A few days ago, Marine, the President of Aidocean, arrived in Papua New Guinea to finish the preparatory work for the care and vaccination mission of the isolated populations in the islands of New Ireland (north-east of the country).
Her first stop was the capital, Port Moresby. Marine was welcomed by the General Manager of Puma’Energy, Mr Hulala Tokome. Puma is supporting the PNG mission with its fuel supplies.

A meeting also took place on the 1st evening with Arnaud Declety from Easyskill, who is looking after the visas, Damien Roques from Total, Captain Kkrysztof Orlowski from the NMSA (National Maritime Safety Authorities), Professor Glenn Mola, head of the obstetrics department at Port Moresby Hospital, with his son, and Victoria, who also works for Easy Skill and looked after the administration. Many thanks to them for their support.

The following day, Marine met Mr Jacques Fradin, ambassador of the European Union delegation in Papua New Guinea and the French ambassador : Mr Guillaume Lemoigne.

She also met up with Captain Simeon on board the “Golden Dawn”. The ship will sail to Kavieng while Marine flies over the archipelago towards Kavieng. They will meet up with the rest of the team there in a few days’ time.

The arrival in Kavieng went well and coincided with the annual national conference of the New Ireland Province Health Authority (NIPHA). Marine was able to meet the local health authority and present the documentary “A Love Boat” at the conference.

The rest of the team will be arriving in a few days’ time. In the meantime, Marine is taking care of the final administrative details. She was able to enjoy the festive atmosphere of Kavieng on market day.
See you soon for the continuation of this second care and vaccination mission to the New Ireland archipelago in Papua New Guinea.