The “Pandanus de Yvy” association has been honoured many times this year.
Marine met Elisabeth and André Wiako a few years ago, and it was only natural that she wanted Aidocean to be a partner for the couple’s association. The aim: to develop the cultivation of pandanus and reappropriate the ancestral knowledge of drying and weaving this leaf used in traditional crafts in the region.
In early 2023, with the help of Aidocean, Elisabeth and André applied for a grant from the New Zealand government to develop their business. Their project was accepted and on 8 March they were able to use the grant to buy equipment.

In August 2023, the “Pandanus de Yvy” association submitted an application in response to NaturAction NC‘s call for projects. The association wanted to support projects to promote environmental regeneration in New Caledonia. At the awards ceremony on 14 November, the jury’s “coup de coeur” was awarded to Elisabeth and André for their project in Maré. Their daughter Cécile and Mari-José, members of Aidocean, represented Elisabeth and André, who were training in Rimatara at the time.

Also in November 2023, Elisabeth and André flew to Rimatara in French Polynesia thanks to the support of the Agence Française de Développement. For several weeks, they were able to improve their knowledge with craftsmen on the island of Rimatara, who specialise in growing and making pandanus crafts.

At the beginning of 2024, the couple’s project was highlighted in the press in the twice-yearly magazine “Palabre coutumier”.

A documentary is currently being edited about their training at Rimatara. We look forward to sharing it with you.