Who is behind Aidocean ?
Marine BAYER

The team
For several years now, Marine has been keen to provide healthcare in isolated areas of the world by air or sea. The work of the association would not be possible without the support and actions of the various members of the association, which you can discover below. In addition to these members, and depending on the missions and objectives involved, she surrounds herself with the people best placed to bring the project to fruition.
The boat
We need a boat that is suitable for the high seas and can get as close to the coast as possible. For the first mission (2022) and the second mission (2023) we chose “the Golden Dawn” from our partner : Olgeta Foundation. This 24m boat allowed us to store all the necessary equipment and to have enough space for the whole crew.

In 2024, As we operate in Purari River delta, we need a shallow-draught barge. The M/V Silver Star, a 34m-long barge, will able us to reach the various villages. This is ideal for navigating up the meandering Purari River.
Discover Aidocean’s projects

Vaccination campaign
Our next projects in 2022 : a child vaccination campaign in papoua-New-Guinea. Aidocean wants to take action to prevent the resurgence of deadly epidemics and bring life-saving vaccines to the tribes on the island of New Ireland.

In Ukraine, at few kilometers from the border, Yedeslav and his wife struggle to built an orphelinat. Aidocean support their efforts…

Aid Convoy
In April 2022, Aidocean’s action began with the setting up of a humanitarian convoy to Ukraine. Objectives: to bring material and come back with refugees…

pandanus trees plantation
Elisabeth is cultivating about 40 pandanus plants in order to revive the Kanak ancestral tradition. Thus, the plantation will allow to produce…