Mission PNG 2023
2nd Mission PNG
After the success of the first PNG mission in 2022. Aidocean has decided to continue caring for the people of Papua New Guinea. Thanks to the confidence of our partners, we were once again able to set up a 2nd mission.
This mission took place in October and November 2023, among the island tribes of New Hanover in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
During these weeks, Marine, a nurse and president of the association, as well as Françoise Quinaud Greene (gynaecologist), Emmanuelle Harcaut (pharmacist), David Chaudet (nurse), Mike Hosken and Marc Henrion (water specialists), Olivier Paul (seaplane pilot), Jean-François Barazer (captain) and Emmanuel Prost (draughtsman), accompanied by a local team, were able to meet the local populations of the island of New Hanover and the neighbouring islets.
The local team at Kavieng hospital included Jennifer (nursing assistant) and Janita (vaccinator), Abraham and Musango (dentists) and Jack and Marlyne (assistants), and Ignatius (ophthalmologist). Other local nurses joined us during the crossing: Davina and Lucy. Many thanks to all of you for your hard work, determination and good spirit.

Actions undertaken
The PNG mission was carried out in partnership with the National Department of Health (NDOH) and the New Ireland Province Health Authority (NIPHA).
During the PNG 2022 mission, the local people we met expressed a number of needs. So we wanted to respond to as many of them as possible: vaccination, of course, but also the fitting of contraceptive implants and solutions to improve the quality of drinking water.
The inoculated vaccins are :
- PENTA (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b)
- M/R Measles and Rubella
- Oral polio vaccine (OPV)
- Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
- BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) tuberculosis vaccine
- Vitamin A
A total of 1,082 children were immunised with 3,286 vaccines.
Other care actions :
637 eye tests and 340 spectacles distributed
892 dental consultations with 138 extractions
56 pre-natal consultations and 80 contraceptive implants placed
Le nombre d'enfants vaccinés
Le nombre de consultations dentaires
consultations prénatales

Other actions undertaken :
- Awareness of water quality has been raised, starting with audits of water points, followed by workshops to make filters to soften the water and the construction of dry toilets.
- A large number of books (280) in English have also been distributed to the island’s various schools thanks to the partnership with Buk Bilong Pikinini.
- Donation of 2 wheelchairs to disabled residents.

What was the journey ?
Over an 8-week period, the team travelled around the island of New Hanover, which lies to the north-west of New Ireland. This island is mainly populated on the coast and along a few rivers accessible by banana boat or pirogues. The Golden Dawn (ship) covered 2415 km and the banana boat 1030 km.

What’s next after PNG 2023?
NIPHA is keen to continue its collaboration with Aidocean. Vaccination and care for isolated populations is a priority for the government. The team is currently working on setting up a new mission.
Emmanuel Prost also produced a large number of drawings during the mission, and we hope to be able to exhibit them to a larger public to showcase the island of New Hanover and Aidocean’s work.

The mission on video
PNG 2023 in the press
The PNG 2023 mission was covered in numerous newspapers in New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea. Thank you to them for highlighting Aidocean’s humanitarian actions.
Thank you to those who sponsored us on this mission
Without them, we wouldn’t have been able to carry out this mission, so we’d like to thank them for their commitment and support. MANY THANKS.