Founder and team
The association was set up in New Caledonia by Marine BAYER. A former helicopter pilot who became a nurse, she wanted to use her skills to help the most disadvantaged.
For several years now, Marine has been keen to provide healthcare in isolated areas of the world by air or sea. The work of the association would not be possible without the support and actions of the various members of the association, which you can discover below. In addition to these members, and depending on the missions and objectives, the association surrounds itself with the people best placed to bring the project to fruition.
The association is supported by numerous organisations that have confidence in its actions. In 2022 and 2023, Aidocean has already carried out a vaccination campaign with very encouraging results, and a second convoy was used to transport equipment to Ukraine. A memorandum of understanding has been signed with the local authorities concerning the reception centre…
Thanks to your donations and grants that Aidocean is able to carry out its projects.
Marine BAYER
Ex-helicopter fighter pilot in the French Navy. She captained the unit of navy helicopters during the hostage crisis of the “Ponant” cruise ship, wherein Somalian pirates took the crew of the cruise liner hostage until they were rescued by the French navy, including Marine. After this mission, she was decorated with the Legion of Honor. Marine is also the heroine of the book “ Entre Ciel et Mère ” which recounts her career as a part of the helicopter unit aboard navy warships.
For the past 10 years, she has been a nurse in various departments (emergency, palliative care, aged care, diabetes, etc) both in a team and as an independent. She has a DU (university diploma) in tropical medicine and is now president of Aidocean, a member of IHEDN (Institute for Advanced Studies in National Defence) and member of Society of French Explorers.

Mike Hosken was born in New Zealand but has long lived in his adopted country : New Caledonia, where he works as a photographer and publisher.
As a expert of the region, he has written a number of books about it. Whether in photos or text, Mike knows how to share his passion and knowledge of the Pacific islands with us.

Marc is a former naval officer and Lieutenant-Commander, serving in the French Navy from 1985 to 2007. He has more than 4,500 hours flying hours, mainly on maritime patrol aircraft. His many missions abroad, in particular as a liaison officer with American headquarters, have given him a particular comfort level in English-speaking environments.
He then became a company director in the construction industry from 2015 to 2022.
His passion for the sea led him to build a 14m sailing boat himself, which he used to sail with his family in the South Pacific from 2008 to 2011.

Marie-Josée is a professional English translator who lives in New Caledonia.
“From Mauritius to New Caledonia, via Australia, my commitment to volunteering has always been a big part of my life.
I’ve had, and still have, some great experiences helping associations in various fields.
I’m particularly involved in sport, and a big part of that is karate, as I was president for four years and an interpreter for the Oceania Karate Federation. Alongside a dedicated team, I have chaired a karate club for nearly twenty years. Professionally, as soon as I arrived in New Caledonia I was lucky enough to find jobs in a bilingual environment.
I’m passionate about the vision and goals of this association and being alongside Marine and the team.”

André comes from the island of Maré and is a member of the Kaewatine tribe in the north-west of the island. Together with his wife Elisabeth, he grows pandanus.
The cultivation and use of this local plant is a Kanak tradition that André and his wife are trying to maintain and, above all, develop.
André is involved in growing the pandanus and in the drying process. He is also a fisherman and treasurer of the ‘Pandanus de Yvy’ association.

A hydrologist, teacher, webdesigner and community manager by turns, Agnès loves to change horizons. As a family, with her husband and their 3 children, she has lived all over France, as well as in Jordan and Belgium. She retains a strong attachment to Jordan, as the family has published a travel guide.
Their next project is to convert their T4 van so that they can travel to the Arabian Peninsula as a family for 1 year.
She is involved in Aidocean, managing the website and updating the social networks.

“After practising for many years as an obstetrician-gynaecologist, first in hospital in the West Indies and France, then in hospital in Noumea (consultations, ultrasounds, deliveries, MAP), I then had my own practice where I continued the same activities for more than 20 years.
Originally from the south-west of France, I have lived in Noumea for over 30 years.
Now that I’m retired, I’m resuming the humanitarian aid work I started at the beginning of my career (Mozambique, Uganda, Kurdistan).
In 2022, I took part in a training mission in Togo in partnership with paediatricians (training midwives, nurses and doctors on topics of their choice), then in the 2nd Aidocean mission to Papua in October 2023 to meet a demand for contraception from women and the authorities”.

Christophe GRANGEON
An emergency doctor for over 20 years in New Caledonia, he spent 10 years fighting violence against women, while at the same time becoming a forensic pathologist. He is also qualified in hyperbaric medicine.
Passionate about the sea and its environment, he lived on a sailing boat for more than 15 years, criss-crossing the surrounding islands. He sailed across the Pacific with his family in 2012. This experience enabled him to pass his 200GT and soon 500GT captain’s certificates.
He is particularly fond of writing, and writes novels in his spare time. He is also the secretary of Aidocean.

Originally from the south of France, Elisa grew up in Anduze, near Nîmes.
She graduated from the Montpellier midwifery school in 2020.
“I worked for 2 years at Montpellier University Hospital. I then decided to move to Tahiti for 8 months, where I worked in a hospital as well as in private practice. On my return to France, I was recruited by the hospital in Nîmes before flying to New Caledonia in November, where I currently work at Médipole.
These far-flung experiences have enabled me to diversify my activities and open up to new cultures”.

“I’ve been a qualified nurse (IDE) since 2020.
I come from the south of France (Alès, Gard) where I grew up and then studied at the University Hospital in Reims. I then returned to work in Alès at the Centre Hospitalier Alès en Cévennes for 3 and a half years in the Emergency and SMUR reception department.
I arrived in New Caledonia in December 2023 and am currently working in the emergency department at the CHT (medipôle)”.

“As a nursery assistant, pastry chef, shopkeeper and active, creative housewife with 3 children, I’m involved in the Aidocean association for childcare.
Born and bred in Brittany, I’ve lived in different french district : Hérault, Champagne Ardennes and now the Gers. Used to long journeys (Peru, Southern Africa, South Africa, Polynesia) and European escapades (Warsaw Prague Budapest Rome Barcelona).
I’m smiling, cheerful, patient, tolerant, and never happier than when I can be useful to someone”.

Frederic LAVIGNE
“I spent my childhood in the south of Gironde, surrounded by prestigious châteaux. After many trips to Ivory Coast, I started to get restless and ended up catching the travel bug.
I did a tour of Europe by car after my A-levels and then a world tour at the end of my studies, when I did my national service in the Navy.
The trip to Noumea is probably the longest of my career (35 years) and is still ongoing.
It is in this home port in the Pacific that I have anchored my family and my spirit.
This humanitarian mission is a new experience for me, as is my visit to Papua, but I’m convinced that my professional practice in the North Province, at the Koné Medical and Social Centre, will be a great help to me on this mission”.
The various actions of Aidocean
Our goal is to carry out humanitarian missions with simplicity and maneuverbility as focal points. Thanks to their small size, our teams are able to be flexibile, adapting to changing circumstances and solving problems as they come up.
Our primary objective is to offer our help to the most in need, especially those situated in regions where larger NGOs/Associations cannot reach.
Thanks to the support of local authorities, we can integrate into our projects research, education, training, and prevention.
We also hope to inspire the public, students, entrepreneurs, and societal leaders. Everyone in their own way can help us meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Our next projects : continue the child vaccination campaign began in 2022 in papoua-New-Guinea. Aidocean want to take action to prevent the resurgence of deadly epidemics and bring life-saving vaccines to the tribes of Papua-New-Guinea.

In Ukraine, at few kilometers from the border, Yedeslav and his wife struggle to built an orphelinat. Aidocean support their efforts…

Aid convoy
In April 2022, Aidocean’s action began with the setting up of a humanitarian convoy to Ukraine. Objectives: to bring material and come back with refugees…

Pandan trees plantation
Elisabeth is cultivating about 40 pandanus plants in order to revive the Kanak ancestral tradition. Thus, the plantation will allow to produce…